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5 mysterious things found on the surface of Mars

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System and the second-smallest solid planet. Mars is rocky and cold,with polar ice caps of frozen water and carbon dioxide. It has the largest volcano in the Solar System, and some very large impact craters.Mars is named after the mythological Roman god of war because it is a red planet, the colour of blood.

The planet Mars is made of rock. The ground there is red because of iron oxide (rust) in the rocks and dust. The planet's atmosphere is very thin and contains a lot of carbon dioxide and a very tiny amount of oxygen. The temperatures on Mars are colder than on Earth, because it is farther away from the Sun and has less air to keep warmth in. There is water ice and frozen carbon dioxide at the north and south poles. Mars does not have any liquid water on the surface now, but signs of run-off on the surface were probably caused by water.

But this hasn't stopped our researchers and alien hunters from discovering some mysterious objects in mars.

  • Here are the list of six mysterious things found on the surface of mars:

5.A Helmet:

If the object were ever found to be actual headgear, there would be some rather chilling implications. One, of course, is that there was once a life form on Mars that had a head. Another is that the entity felt the need to protect it, perhaps from enemy combatants.This helmet is perhaps one of the most mysterious object found on the surface of mars.


At about the size of a car, the pointed structure doesn't offer much competition to the massive, similarly shaped tomb complexes in Egypt. That is, of course, unless the rest of the Martian building is buried beneath the sand. The question remains if ancient Egypt colonized Mars or vice versa.

3.A mermaid:

To some the object looks like little more than a rock outcropping. To one group of space enthusiasts the formation looks a little too much like the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen to be a coincidence. They theorize ancient Martians may have once colonized Scandinavia.

2.Crashed UFO:

More specifically, a downed craft that resembles the Star Destroyer from Star Wars. Of course, what the object is remains unknown, but believers do offer assurances that if it is indeed a fallen vessel, there likely weren't many casualties or injuries. At an estimated width of 9 feet, only 2 to 3 passengers could have fit inside.

1.woman on mars:

Investigators are hailing a major coup in the race to find proof of extra-terrestrial life after the 'miniature Martian' was spotted in NASA images of Mars beamed back to Earth from their Curiosity Rover, a four-wheeled probe currently exploring the planet's surface.

They believe the picture shows a tiny human-like creature apparently acting as a lookout after spotting the NASA robot.

The scale of the image would make the 'being' only eight to 10 cm tall - less than the size of a small coffee cup – according to website UFO Sightings Daily, who are highlighting the discovery.

Alien life hunter Scott C Waring posted: "The woman seems to have boobs :p …indicated by the shadow on its chest.

"We also see two arms that are lighter in colour and what looks like a head with long hair.

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